Touch of modern fish tank
Touch of modern fish tank

touch of modern fish tank

The animal was found dead in a touch tank by a visitor-not an employee-who noticed him or her lying lifeless, partially buried under sand. In addition, hundreds of fish died while in transport to SeaQuest Littleton in Colorado, and former employees at SeaQuest Las Vegas allege that hundreds of animals have died there. Within a month of SeaQuest’s grand opening in Folsom, California, a stingray died. Stingrays’ barb tissue is commonly clipped every few weeks, which places them at risk for infection or greater injury. They’re subjected to loud noises, shouting crowds, and foreign and potentially dangerous foods, drinks, and other objects being dropped into their enclosures.

touch of modern fish tank touch of modern fish tank

Aquatic animals used for these exhibits are often forced to spend their entire lives there, swimming in cramped laps.

Touch of modern fish tank